SJR State College Non-Discrimination Statement
St. Johns River State College, an equal access institution, prohibits discrimination in its employment, programs, activities, policies and procedures based on race, sex, gender, gender identity, age, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information or veteran status. Questions pertaining to education equity, equal access or equal opportunity should be addressed to the College Title IX Coordinator/Equity Officer: Charles Romer, Room A0173, 5001 St. Johns Avenue, Palatka, FL 32177; (386) 312-4074; Anonymous reporting is available at Inquiries/complaints can be filed with the Title IX Coordinator/Equity Officer online, in person, via mail, via email or with the US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, Atlanta Office, 61 Forsyth St. SW Suite 19T10, Atlanta, GA 30303-8927.
SJR State College Declaración de No Discriminación
St. Johns River State College, una institución de igualdad de acceso, prohíbe la discriminación en su empleo, actividades, políticas y procedimientos por motivo de raza, sexo, género, identidad de género, edad, color, religión, origen nacional, etnia, discapacidad, el embarazo, orientación sexual, estado civil, información genética, o estatus de ser veterano/a. Preguntas relativas a la equidad educativa, igualdad de acceso, o igualdad de oportunidades deben dirigirse al Coordinador del Título IX: Charles Romer, Oficina A0173, 5001 St. Johns Avenue, Palatka, FL 32177; (386) 312-4074; Una denuncia anónima está disponible a Las consultas o quejas se pueden presentar ante el Coordinador del Título IX en línea, en persona, por correo, por correo electrónico o con el Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos, Oficina de Derechos Civiles, Oficina de Atlanta, 61 Forsyth St. SW Suite 19T10, Atlanta, GA 30303-8927.
Preference in appointment will be given to eligible veterans and spouses when a DD Form 214 is provided during the application process.
If an applicant claiming veterans’ preference for a vacant position is not selected, he/she may file a complaint with the:
- Florida Department of Veteran’s Affairs (FDVA)
- Division of Benefits and Assistance
- P.O. Box 31003
- St. Petersburg, FL 33731
A complaint must be filed within twenty-one (21) days of the applicant receiving notice of the hiring decision made by the employing agency or within three months of the date the application is filed with the employer if no notice is given. The enforcement mechanism established by the regulations provide for an initial investigation by the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs, followed by an evidentiary proceeding before the Public Employees Relations Commission if the matter cannot be earlier resolved.